Man standing on the roof | get motivated to work.

How to Get motivated to work ?

Now if you have been feeling a little lazy lately or you've been procrastinating and just not feeling all that motivated, So in this article  I am going to share with you my six tips on how to get motivated to work.

So that you can do what you need to do and that you can be more efficient and productive in your daily life.

So you have a big project to work on at work or maybe you're not yet working and you need to search and apply for jobs or the thing that you need to do has nothing to do with work but instead you want to exercise more, you want to work out more whatever it may be whatever the task is no matter how big or small you've been finding that you have been procrastinating because you're just not feeling motivated.

You just don't seem to have the energy to do the things that you want to get done. trust me I have been there contrary to what you may think I am not always able to be super productive every day.

I am human too but luckily over the years I have picked up on some tactics that have worked really well for me and hopefully will work well for you too. So that you can start to feel more motivated and get the things that you need to do done.

 So here are my best 6 tips on how to get motivated to work.

1. Plan your laziness ahead of time.

Make your daily routine and plan your laziness.
when it comes to mapping out our schedules and planning out our calendars more often than not logically what we tend to do is we fill up our calendars and fill up our schedules with all the things that we need to do right.

Well for this tip I want you to do the opposite. So what that means is instead of filling out your schedule with all the things that you need to get done start off with filling your schedule with your non-negotiable, non work time. for example let's say that you know that every single day after 7:00 p.m. you want to be able to turn your brain off and you want to spend time or just have me time to yourself so that you can have dinner and wind down before going to bed.

If that's the case you need to schedule that in first for me personally I actually take time in the morning and in the evenings and I personally schedule them as " me time " in the mornings I use that time to meditate to do yoga to journal and really just get myself in the right mindset for the day and then in the evenings I use that time to have dinner be with my family and relax wind down before going to bed.

 This tactic is extremely powerful because it forces you to get your work done so that you can meet your non-negotiable non work time and in the end you're gonna be much more efficient with your time because you will know in the back of your mind that you have a limited amount of time to do your work.

2. Trust in divine timing

Click and calendar together representing Divine timing.
I know this might be a bit of a wiered tip especially when we are talking about how to motivate yourself? what do you mean trust in divine timing? what I mean is that you need to know that if there is a certain project or task that is meant for you or if there is a certain outcome that you're meant to achieve such as achieving a new job offer that's going to be the right perfect fit for you then you have to trust that if it's meant to happen for you it will happen for you.

So what that does?
 It can help you to relax and allow yourself to naturally feel motivated when you can trust that this is the thing that you are meant to do and you're gonna feel the right motivation at the right time, then you can relax a little bit more and not cause that anxiety to stir up within you when you don't have that anxiety.

 What ends up happening is that motivation that feeling of excitement and enthusiasm is naturally going to stir up within you and you're gonna be able to accomplish the task easily and efficiently.

3. Cut out unnecessary tasks or to dues.

Stop doing Unnecessary work
This ties in with tip number  one in order to truly feel motivated you need to know that what you're doing is absolutely essential so my tip here is all about prioritization. Now look at your list of tasks and things that you have to do. Are there any tasks that you can actually delegate or outsource maybe postpone for a little bit later on or perhaps cross off entirely essentially.

 You need to ask yourself what do I need to focus on this week and make sure that it's done in this week when looking at a task look at its importance the deadlines and the level of urgency that's associated with it.
If it's not high on that priority list then you can shove it aside and only work on those high-priority items.

4. Figure out your most productive time.

Decide your perfect productive time to get motivated to work.
Are you most productive in the wee early morning hours or are you more productive in the evenings or in the afternoons. To be productive and motivated you need to understand your body and how you function best.

So for example, a lot of people are very motivated in the early mornings to get things done whereas for me I find that I am more productive in the middle of the day after I have had my " me time " to myself. So between 10:00 and 5:00 p.m. I find I am the most productive and so I choose a lot of the tasks that I do to be within that time frame.

5. Change your work environment

Man sitting on a sofa a perfect work environment.
If you are someone who has the ability to work from home and you work from home regularly sometimes working in your home can actually be very difficult and that's because you have the comforts of your couchz your bed and overall it's your cozy lazy space.

So it can be hard to feel motivated if you are in that sort of environment and for me someone who works from home quite a bit I've had this issue as well so what I have found that works is to change your work environment either go to a public library or a coffee shop or just a public place where you can force yourself to just sit there with your laptop and do nothing else but to work on your task at hand.

 Like I said this is the trick that I've used time and time again to get myself motivated and it works everysingle time usually I'll order my favorite matcha green tea frappuccino Isit down at a nice table at Starbucks and I am off to work.

6. Treat yourself when you have done your work well.

Treat yourself after you done your work.
Be extra nice to yourself when you have accomplished your work you want to practice this because it's going to encourage you it's going to motivate you to continue to keep up this habit of getting your work done. Focusing on the most high-priority items and feeling more efficient and productive in your daily life.

I hope you guys enjoyed this article on how to get motivated to work. Please let me know in the comment box below....I hope you guys have been enjoying my blog so do subscribe for more articles like this.Thank you so much for reading.

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