Unique Red umbrella among white

Be unique from everyone, stand out from the crowd.

Study Motivation

We know from our past experiences that big things start small, the biggest oak starts from an a corn and you have got tobe willing to let that little egg horn grow into a little sapling and then into a small tree and may be one day it will be a huge oak tree standing on its own.

 You can't skip steps you have got to put one foot in front of the other things take time. There are no shortcuts but you need to take those steps with passion and ferocity and you will stand out from the crowd and your classmates will look at you differently and your friends will look at you differently and your parents and teachers will look at you differently.

The ambitious should never apologize for the only people that will criticize. You are the people who have already given up on greatness, the ability to increase and maintain your hunger is the one common denominator amongst the most successful students.
Good grades in a slate
 Those that are getting the highest grades they are hungrier than the rest. I believe that's a single most important factor that separates the topper forming students to the average performing students, it is hunger.

 It is not just the ability to be hungry, but it is the ability to sustain it over long periods of time. So you have got to ask yourself how hungry are you, how bad do you want it.
 When you achieve the grades that you are aiming for do you then get comfortable and relaxed?
Raising hands in a class
 A lot of students when they achieve the grades, they are aiming for they relax but if you can find within yourself the part of you that wants more, you want to make a bigger difference, you want to push a bit more, you want your grades a bit higher.

 You should never be satisfied with the grades that you have got because the attempt to achieve more makes you into something phenomenal as Les Brown said ' it is necessary that you take responsibility for your education that you make it happen, that you don't give up, that you don't take any rejection or disappointments or defeats personally that you keep on studying '.

I remember, Joe Rogan said and the best advice I have ever heard is to live your life like you are the hero in a movie. Right now is when the movie starts and your life is a disaster pretend you are right. Now you are in a movie and it starts and it shows you as a loser and just decide that you are not going to be a loser anymore.
Think different
 Live your life like there is a documentary crew following you around and there are millions of people watching and analyzing your behaviour. Do what you would want to do so that your kids one day would look back at it and see that documentary and look at it with pride and think wow my dad was a badass, he really did what he had to do.

 Wow my mom really got her life together. I love a success story but even more than a success story I love a guy that messes his life up then gets it back together again. Story in those days when you are tired and worn out and just sick of studying, what do you do on those days just get it done even if it is just going through the motions.

You go through the motions, you don't want to read your textbook, you read your textbook do not really want to get up and get out of bed. You are the only person stopping you from achieving. Don't take today off not today you don't decide that you can't make it because you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel that you realize, that is all part of the journey you must believe in yourself.
Students in a class
 You must believe in your ability, you must believe in the assignments that you are writing and the exams that you are taking. You must believe in your ideas unquestionably.
 It is not going to happen as quickly as you want it to happen,
 you might not have the money,
 you might not have the resources or the support you need but you need to believe it is possible.

 There are consequences that you pay when you keep seeking comfort and avoiding studying and avoiding hard work and those consequences are that you are never going to feel like you have accomplished anything.

You are never going to have this feeling of understanding that difficulty and struggle and the ability to push through. It is a muscle and you have to develop that muscle by doing and once you do, you develop a high level of self-satisfaction and peace of mind. You gotta wake up and have the drive to get something done you are the only person that can make it happen .

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