Girl thinking about which career she should select and trying to know what she is meant to do.

Know what you are meant to do.

In today's article, I am going to walk you through my key strategy on how to figure out the career that you should do especially when you're not sure of what it is that you're passionate about.

There are lot of professionals both inexperienced and experienced students and candidates who are not sure about what they are passionate about and they are not even sure what career they should be getting into.

Now I have a very unique opinion on this topic at least I think it's unique and I'm gonna share with you my unique strategy on how to figure out what it is that you're meant to do.

So if you're someone who's been feeling lost for a while now and you're really trying to soul search and figure all this out not to worry. I am here to help you today so let's get to it.

So here's my personal belief that I think you should adopt as well if you really want to find the career that you're going to be excited about and that you're meant to do and my belief is that your career doesn't have to involve your passions but it does have to involve your talents your gifts and basically the things that you're good at doing.

Passion is a funny thing because some people can go through their whole lives not having one thing that they're truly utterly passionate about where as there are other people who can go through their whole lives having all kinds of passions and getting confused by that because they don't know how they relate to one another.

for example, I guess you could say that I have a passion for eating good food. I like to try different things and I like eating food that tastes good but that doesn't mean that I'm necessarily all of a sudden going to create a career out of the idea of having to eat good food that's something that I will do outside of my job.

I don't need to create a career around my passion of eating good food make sense and the reason for that is because passions don't necessarily equate to a truly meaningful successful career. It's your talents that equate to a successful meaningful career and that's because passions can change over time.

Passions can sometimes you may confuse something as being your passion but it may just be something that you have created as an idea in your head that is something that you happen to want to door enjoy doing and that's fine but it's your innate talents that are going to help you to carry forward that passion or that career to the next level because if the passion is causing you to have to really strain and stress and you're frustrated and you feel like you're climbing an uphill battle versus using your natural inherent gifts.

Things that you're really good at doing and leveraging those in your career you're gonna find that you're going to be able to do your work more easily. People are going to appreciate the quality of your work and you're gonna be able to do the work with little effort and energy and that's going to help you to stay calm, relaxed and centered as you pursue that career because you're leveraging your own natural strengths and talents.

So I want you to focus instead of your passions to focus on your gifts. You have unique gifts that are different from someone else's unique gifts and they were given to you for a reason when you can recognize and then make use of your own natural god-given talents, you're allowing yourself the opportunity to express yourself more fully and on top of that because this is you leveraging.

The gifts that you already have inside you, you're gonna feel much more comfortable within your own skin. You're gonna feel authentic and honest as you pursue this career having passions are great but you really have to know where is this passion coming from.

Sometimes, we develop unrealistic expectations of ourselves because we want ourselves to be seen in a certain way by other people and therefore we look at this one type of activity as being a passion of ourselves that we want to pursue because we want other people to look at us a certain way that if that's how you're thinking.
That's not really a passion that's just trying to impress other.

 so for example I'm naturally a strong communicator I would say that, that is my natural god-given talent that I have always had throughout my life and because I have been able to recognize that.

That is a talent of mine, I have been able to leverage it and use it in the career that I am in now with my strength in communication combined with my passion in helping others to shift themselves their lives to the next level in their careers.

It's so important for you to recognize what are your natural gifts, what are your natural talents because that's what's going to carry you forward, that's what's going to allow you to carry your career forward to the next level as you go on with your life.

So if you get what I am meaning and you catch my drift and you are now ready to figure out what you're meant to do then here are some action steps that you can start taking now.

1. Is to list out three to five natural gifts or talents that you possess.
2. Is to then match them to real-life jobs that would value these talents and gifts that you happen to possess.
3. Is to develop a step-by-step action plan on how you plan to achieve that job.

All the best. I hope you like this article
Thanks for reading.

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