A pen is showing that nothing is easy.

Study Motivation

Nothing is easy

I was not the smartest or the wisest or the wealthiest but my goals were clear. I knew what I needed to do, I knew what it was going to take to graduate in the top 5% of the university. You can be the best in your class or the best in your university.

You want to do break things but your actions need to match your words. You need to invest in yourself, don't let yourself be average. Average people waste their lives away every weekend for what because that's what separates the people that become phenomenal human beings, is that they endlessly pursued personal growth and personal achievements.
A name board is showing hard work ahead.
They look at themselves every day and when they have a day where they didn't perform at their best, at their full potential they recognize it take note and the next day they don't let it happen again and yes it does mean sacrifices are made what kind of sacrifices.

 So the average student goes home after school and watches two hours of Netflix that the high-performing student goes home after school and reads two hours of his textbook that night and it's a sacrifice.
It's a very real sacrifice but what comes out of that is a much greater freedom.
A guy watching Netflix in a tablet.
 If you do the study and you go after it long enough you will get the grades you are aiming for that is all it is. There is no shortcut, there is no easy road to get good grades. You have to be the best version of you possible.

It will not happen by cutting corners or taking shortcuts or looking for the easy way there's no easy way.

 There is only hard work, late nights, early mornings hard work stress, frustration, discipline and repeat. You need to have the discipline it will drive you to study when you don't feel like studying because doing well at school at university it's hard, it's hard getting good grades but we are in charge of the life.
Everyone giving exam in class.
We live and when you are in charge you say if it's hard then do it hard don't allow this to stop you. There is no easy mode in this what is the easiest way to turn your grades around your attitude about it that you decide, that you are not working at your full potential, that you decide your grades do not represent what you can achieve.

I knew, I needed to study every single night when I knew that if I missed even one night it could snowball into two nights, three nights, four nights everything I did was to take one step closer to achieving my goals. I had wake up at 5:00 a.m.go straight to the gym I had come home have breakfast it's still dark outside.

 I had go to the library 6:30 a.m. as always, I was the first one there average students don't go to the library at 6:30 in the morning classes would start at 9:00 and finish around 4:00.
A boy studying hard at home with laptop and books.
I go home to eat and study until night no one was doing what I was doing no one was achieving the grades I was achieving. So when people see you waking up at 4:30 a.m. and you head straight to the gym and you don't drink and you don't smoke and you get to the library at 6:30 a.m.

You are not doing that to show off or to prove to your friends. You are better than them, you are doing it because you realize that doing the hard things having the discipline to do these hard things it gives you the long-term freedom and happiness they just don't have you gotta make a decision to stop making excuses and get it done.

There's nobody in this world that's going to get you what you want you're going to have to go out there and get what you want by studying hard. Being talented is not good enough, you have got to study hard and you have got a work hard.

So that all for today, thanks for reading this article on Study Motivation and I  hope you liked it.

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