A man jumping over the mountain with his legs chained and he is overcoming his failure.
Overcome failure

Life Motivation speech

Whenever you are trying to achieve your goals and going after your passion or your mission there's going to be some obstacles. There are going to be some problems and often times the way that we interpret these things are a signs that we're not supposed to do.

What we are doing maybe that we should quit or stop or give up right because it's not going your way. You know the universe is sending you a signal move on something else it's not true. We get tested in life that's part of the journey. It's to be challenged and to overcome something and without that there would be no hero's journey.

There would be no evolution, no growth and  necessary but it's very very important that we interpret that as good when the challenge comes up one of the best ways to interpret it is wow what a great opportunity. What a great chance for me to rise up and really show what I'm made of now.

I can finally really demonstrate my skills and overcome these problems and overcome these challenges. Get through them instead of bowing to them giving up and quitting on yourself.

 Of course, there are times when maybe you are not fully aligned and it's right for you to leave or quit or give up because it's not the right thing for you but if you have made a commitment to something that's important that you're passionate about that you really want to get to a high level with.

You have to say to yourself this is an opportunity, this is my chance to show what I'm really made of now is the realtime for me to demonstrate my character.

You see your character isn't challenged when things are going easy or smoothly when it's smooth sailing. It's really easy to stay committed but once the real issues bubble up there's some problems and maybe some people get in your way or a hundred people seem to be out to get you or it's like lightning hits you and the universeis against you.

All of a sudden that's the time to show that, hey I'm serious about this, I'm gonna do it no matter what you might not feel good and you might even go through a little period of feeling sad or upset but you have to stay on your mission. You have to keep moving forward even though you might be wounded, even though you might be struggling, if it's what you really are passionate about, if this is the thing that matters to you.

Please just stay with it keep going keep just one step at a time and you don't have to run full sprint. Sometimes it's okay to crawl, sometimes it's okay to barely move at all as long as you keep the momentum going in that direction.

 The consistency is everything, staying with your mission is everything without that if you give up, if you get distracted even just for one day it can throw your whole momentum, your whole upward spiral off into a downward spiral and all of a sudden you're falling down again and it's like you are having to start all over and the worst thing is having to start all over when you finally start to get some consistency.

Some momentum going in your life it's really really important and I learned this myself when I made my blog for a year. Just to you know kick start my business kickstart my passion, I realized how important it was for me to keep doing what I was doing, no matter what no matter what happened, no matter what anybody said sometimes it was difficult, sometimes there wasn't alot of fun, sometimes I felt really bad but I did it because I knew it was the right thing to do because I knew it was my number one priority at that time that was the thing that would really get me one step closer every day.

So whatever that is for you no matter how you feel, keep going you have to keep going, find ways to change your mood, find ways to shift your emotions, shift your thoughts there's always a way to get in the right states and then you will overcome these challenges and you will be that much stronger for it you will be able to just create some incredible results in your life because you are the type of person that persists when it's time to persist and when the whole world seems to be crashing on you and the sky is falling you keep moving forward you keep doing what you're supposed to do.

Thanks for reading this article on how to overcome failure - life Motivation speech.

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