Confident guy.

How to be confident ?

All right so being confident for a lot of people is not that easy, I mean even for me at sometimes. Honestly, I am very very very nervous depending on the situation and the people that I am with right but certain people are reacting a bit different.

When they are nervous like you get sweaty hands or your legs start to shake or some people just keep quiet they kind of shut down and some other people they just start talking and rumbling because they are nervous.

But why are we so nervous ?

Nervous boy with a lack of confidence.
Now there is a lot of stuff that you can do about styling and grooming and taking care of yourself to boost your confidence. But ultimately let's be real. It's about what's going on in your head right. It's about all these thoughts coming in about I am not good enough or I am ugly or I cannot speak well enough or you know all these kind of thoughts.

It just pops in from no where and when you start to get these thoughts. You know, you start to be nervous and you just wonder and be like, I wish I could be more confident in front of people.

Well there are few things that I learned in  that I am gonna share with you 5 pro tips on how to be confident and we are gonna start with some of the basic stuff and then we're really going to go into it the  steps.

1. Think before you speak

A man showing on board, think before you speak.
Whenever you start to speak to people and you feel nervous and you just rumble off and just bla bla bla bla bla.

Stop yourself don't do it, take a second calm down, feel refresh and then go again. The worst thing that you can do is just to speak whatever pops into your head because you cannot control it. I mean some of you know, once you say something you can never take it back and it really hurts people in.

for example, in relationships it mostly happens that in anger or in other mood you speak the things that shouldn't have said. So think wisely before you say something.

2. Speak slower and speak less.

Speak slow, listen and speak less
If you speak slower it gives you time to really think about what you want to say you sound more clear and if you speak slower people can understand you alot better and you only need to say a few things that will get your point across right.

If you are already nervous to speak in front of people then why would you want to say a lot of stuff, keep it short,  keep it sweet and focus only on what you want to say right now, right here.

You probably heard this quote a lot that says "speak less and listen more".  It's so true people will like you more if you actually speak less and if you don't know what to say, don't say anything at all just be quiet, just take a step back, just be there and just observe a little bit refresh listen to what some other people are saying and when you are ready to talk then go.

If you feel stupid, if you feel silly, you  don't know what to do with your hands or you don't know what to say that's the perfect by time not to do anything and just to be there.

3.  Stop stressing or worrying about what might go wrong or right.

A hand showing Stop stress.
We all want the outcome to be really good but sometimes we are so occupied about worrying and stressing about the outcome that we cannot focus clearly and what we want to say right now. So there's this battle going on in your head.

 All right so what you want to do? Is you want to create a habit of pushing out these thoughts, the moment that they enter into your head. You can decide am I gonna grow this thought or am I gonna push it out and then you want to replace them with thoughts of truth.

what do you mean with thoughts of truth?
Well let me explain thoughts of truth is very very very strong because once you believe something to be true you believe in it and it becomes part of your thought process and it becomes part of you.

So then when these lies or these what-if thoughts come in all right you can identify them for what they are and you can push them out and you can replace them with the thoughts of truth. So when you push them out and you replace them with the thoughts of truth, it pulls up your confidence.
Hands show thums towards each other depicting good and bad
Let me give you a few examples of thoughts of truth so it's more easier for you to understand.  Perfection is a sham nobody is perfect. Another truth if you are in new situations or you have to do something that you have never done before, that's normal so don't be too stressed, it is normal, it's like a dark room you are entering and you don't know what to expect right because you don't have the experience yet.

 If you have experienced something then you have more confidence of how to handle it again because you know what to expect.

Another example, you are unique there is nobody else there in the world that is like you. You have been created wonderfully with certain talents, certain gifts and you don't need to fit in, you don't need to be perfect it's okay to make mistakes.

4. Get to know your strong and your weak points.

Know your strength and weakness
You have to accept that you will not be good in everything that you try to do all right. So focus on the stuff that you are really good at especially when you are with people. for example, I am not good at telling jokes right so I don't tell a lot of jokes but I am good at having a lot of empathy and understanding people so when I communicate with people I give them alot of love and truth from a heart that is very genuine.

5. Stop thinking about what other people think about you.

Stop thinking about what other think about you.
Now you might say that,  it's easy  just to say that but it is not easy to do it. Well there is a couple of things that you can do to worry less, now some people say that well yeah they know there's a few stuff that you can do: drink alcohol or when you talk to people imagine that they're trees or other stuff and well it's not a healthy way of really living.

So first you need to understand why you care so much about what other people think about you. Now the truth is you and me have been brainwashed since we were kids. Since I could remember the media out there on TV, radio, even if you just drive somewhere you can see the bill boards, it's all these kind of brainwashing where they show us how to act dress and behave in certain kind of ways.

So that we are accepted and liked by people and so it's become part of who we are and how we kind of grow up and you have to let it go and now social media brought this on a whole bigger scale.

 I mean people base their value on the number of likes and the number of subscribers or followers that they have so people are getting obsessed with these questions of am i beautiful enough, do people like me and to live this kind of way is very dangerous especially if they are in certain situations. They don't have enough confidence because they feel that they are not good enough because they worry too much about what other people think about them.
Confidence meter.
You need to let it go, just let it go. Now the people who really like you for who you really are, are the kind of people you really want in your life. If you have people that don't really care or like you for who you are then you gotta push them out. Negative people are the worst kind of people to have around you all the time because they break you down, they break your confidence down and they they break you down as a person.

What you need to understand is what people say or do or how they act towards you. Well most of the time it's got nothing to do with you but it's got everything to do with them. Soo let them go and don't make it personal. The less you worry about what other people think about you the less complicated life becomes.

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