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How to get motivated to study 

Study Motivation

Let's say it's day 1 of your exam as David Goggin said, we all know what that feels like the morning of the exam, you have your clothes laid out, you have your food ready to go in the morning.

You have been preparing for weeks and weeks and weeks you show up and you bring your best self. You sit at your desk and open the exam paper then you start writing and writing and you just keep writing.

A week or two later you get your results back and you have passed in fact you have not just passed you have got the highest grade in the class. All right perfect but after a couple of months you start showing up to class a little later you don't look as good.

Your clothes aren't laid out, your breakfast isn't ready, your mind gets softer and a lot of you are doing that with your studying but you need to keep that pressure on repetition every day.

Books and laptop for study

Eight hours studying a day 10 hours a day even 12 hours a day. If it is needed I believe that most of us are only living at 40% of our capability the mind has a restrictor like a car, if you are driving a car and that car has a restrictor on it the car may say 130 miles per hour but the restrictor is set for 91 the car wants to go  but the factory restrictor says no.

We are not going past 91 we have a restrictor in our brain it's a survival mechanism and it protects us from pain and suffering and your brain pushes you in a direction that it's comfortable. The mind controls everything when you get to 40 percent your brain says we are done studying, this is starting to get uncomfortable. So you stop studying.

So if you start to feel pain at 40% that's where it starts. okay I am feeling pain my mind saying all this nonsense to me is trying to get you to procrastinate. It's trying to get you to relax and take a step back but this is the time you have to regain control back of your mind.

A boy studying | study Motivation

 It is like okay let me see if I can go up to 45 percent or 50 percent and once you start giving yourself more and more hope and start pushing back.

But wait, what are you doing I am telling you to go right but you are going left, you start then controlling your mind you start fighting more in yourself and then you go from 40% to 50% to 60% - 70 80 or even 90 but that's the start of it. Go to that place where your mind is asking you to  stop.

Wherever that is get there first and then that's when you can start pushing it back. You have got to control yourself in that moment it should not even be about what grade you get in the exam or what grade you get in your assignment or even what grade you graduate with. It's the grind, it's the battle, it is the daily struggle that's what it is about that's what's going to keep you growing.

Graduates in a group

I want the struggle, I want to grind and hustle and keep studying even with every part of my body is telling you to stop, even when the TV is calling my name, even when my friends are phoning me, even when there is a house party playing that night because that makes me smarter, it takes me one step from being where i want to be.

It is your job to do the stuff you don't want to do. So you can become the person that others want to be and the people around you they won't really understand, they won't really understand why you are doing it why you are so focused and so disciplined and so zoned in because they don't know what you know.

It is supposed to be that way it's not supposed to be an easy road every day grinding and pushing that doesn't tire me it inspires me it inspires me to push harder.

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