A man ready in the starting line | life Motivation speech

A winner mindset by rafael eliassen.

Life Motivation speech

You can either have your goals or you can have your excuses. Pick one either way you can only have one or the other you cannot pursue.

 Your goals achieve your dreams. Do what you love to do and still cling on to your reasons why you cannot do it?

You see the base thing that holds us back from actually accomplishing what we want in our life is the story that we tell ourselves about why we cannot do it ?

I want to lose weight but I don't have any exercise equipment, I want to start a channel but I am scared that people might judge me, I want to finally go for this new position in a company and just afraid that I might not get it.

You know I might not be qualified, I am not good enough, I don't know what I need to know yet and so we tell ourselves this story thinking that it's reality. We convince ourselves that this is a matter of fact kind of thing. There is really no option for us where we can go and pursue it anyway but that's the real solution, pursue it anyway. You might not have all the perfect circumstances, you might not be in the position that you want to be in.
Arrow in target.
Go out and achieve those goals but you are in some kind of position. In that position whether it's good or not so good. It's good enough to go after that goal whether you need to be more qualified or whether you do need some exercise equipments, regardless pursue the goal  with what you have now, pursue the goal regardless of circumstances because otherwise you will never get there and here's why it's not about the actual tangible things, it's not about circumstances because those are always changing.

They are easy to impact that change most of the time. It's about the mindset. You see when you have the mindset where you can tell yourself a story to get yourself out of doing the thing that you know you should be doing. You will always be stuck, you will never achieve your goals and you're continuously Basheer against the wall wondering, why you're not getting ? what you want ?
Medal in hand | a winner mindset
So long as you accept those stories, so long as you keep telling yourself those stories, that cycle that spiral will continue for the rest of your life. There's no way out of that. That doesn't involve action, you cannot think your way out of a problem that you behave yourself into.

Okay, so this problem that we all have where we tell ourselves that this reason is valid and we cannot do what we want because look at this proof that it's impossible is complete BS and
If you are gonna get anywhere in your life, if you're gonna achieve any kind of goal, you're gonna have to get over it,
 you're gonna have to stop accepting these stories that you tell yourself.

 Maybe you aren't qualified maybe you really don't have the opportunity to get the right kind of exercise but you can do some kind of exercise and you can qualify yourself in some way.
A winners mindset
Maybe you can read more, maybe you can start to really go work for free. It doesn't matter however you can take one step closer to the goal, take it and if you don't take that step today I promise you you will feel a little bit worse about yourself and you will continue that downwards trend but if you just take some action, any kind of action a little bit every day, you start to build momentum, you start to build self-confidence, you start to feel like hey maybe I can actually do this and before you know it, you're there, you're living your dream, you're doing what you most wanted to do, what you deeply wish for in your heart all of a sudden is your reality.

That's exactly what happens with one of my friend. He started a channel on YouTube, he wasn't qualified, he didn't know what he was talking about, he didn't even know what coaching was, he didn't know what self-development was really.

He was just making videos talking about stuff hoping that maybe somebody would watch and for six months no one did and then all of a sudden he got his first client and then second and then third and things started snowballing before you knew it he was making six figures.

Doing what he loved and I tell this story a lot because it's is the best example of living dream. He is doing what he love and it's so simple it's not hard it's not difficult. I was about 80 kilo grams I lost about 20 of those and I'm around 60.

Now what happened I struggled for so many years when I was 16, 17, 18 years old I was still very much so overweight. What happened I didn't get the perfect circumstances or a personal trainer that kept me on track you know I just had the right support systems and finally I achieved my goal.
A cup on a tissue paper.
 No I just started doing a little bit everyday, eating a little less, exercising a little bit, writing blogs, reading a book, listening to an audio book, watching a couple of good videos.

Before you know it, it starts to add up and no matter where you are right now whether you have already succeeded or you are still struggling to achieve your initial goals, there's always going to be a repetition of this where you start telling yourself those stories about why you can't have the new thing that you want and there's never a valid reason. There's never a real excuse to not achieve what you want.
If you really want it, you will find the way.

If you want it bad enough there is a way. The question is will you go out of your way to find it ?

will you go out of your way to go get it or will you accept the story ?

Well you say, yeah well not today because you know the weather's bad or hey you know what I don't think, I can do this right now because I'm really just not feeling good.

Who cares you don't have to feel good. You still do it, do it anyway, do it because it's the right thing to do and you know you want to deep inside whether or not you feel like it. In that moment or not after you're done after you practice, after you take that step towards your goal, you're gonna feel empowered, you're gonna feel powerful, you're gonna start to think you know what a good person  could do.

This start adding that momentum and start adding it and adding it and adding it before you know it you're excited and you're feeling positive and uplifted and inspired and it starts to snowball really really quickly.
A man on a mountain top.
So you can either do that and have a positive experience in your life. Choose your goal is all your dreams or you can choose to ignore this and keep telling yourself a story about why you can't have what you want and this person is keeping you from it and you just don't have what you need right now and you don't feel the right way that's fine it's your choice.

I m just presenting you an alternative in case you might have gotten yourself stuck in that spiral again or whether you've never come out of it this is an opportunity. Take the advice apply it, go take one step today towards your goal, towards your dream for you know what your excuses have no power over you and you're out there living your dream.

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